There are numerous books about photography and filmmaking.
I’ve read most of them, but the best book I’ve found on filmmaking, especially for beginners, is “How To Shoot Video That Doesn’t Suck” by Steve Stockman.
Here are a few reasons why:
- Simplicity: Cameras, filmmaking, and video production can become incredibly technical and complicated. However, Stockman simplifies the process by providing straightforward “do this, don’t do that” instructions.
- Accessibility: The book is organized into a list, making the information easy to digest and understand. Stockman focuses on the most impactful techniques, presenting the ten easiest ways to enhance video quality. He avoids advanced techniques like J-Cuts and Jump Cuts, opting instead for fundamental principles like eliminating snazzy transitions. You’ll notice similarities between my Ten Tips Guide and the advice in “How To Shoot Video That Doesn’t Suck.”
- Comprehensive: Stockman doesn’t limit himself to just shooting; his advice covers both the filming and editing aspects of video production.
- Immediate Impact: Implementing the book’s advice will significantly improve the quality of your videos. The fundamental concepts presented are so relevant to how we consume video content that you’ll notice immediate results.
If you’re even remotely interested in making hunting videos, I highly recommend this book.
(And if you’ve read it, I’d love to hear your thoughts. What other book would you recommend for beginners?)